Estimate updated by todd.munro.
Editing Services
MS-5434 – Aveneer Educative videos_Canadian Adaptation_VIDEO
Creation of French subtitled versions of 8 Videos (~3 to 9 mins each)
– french subtitle text to be supplied
Editing Services
MS-5434 – Aveneer Educative videos_Canadian Adaptation_VIDEO
Creation of French subtitled versions of 8 Videos (~3 to 9 mins each)
– french subtitle text to be supplied
Cette devis est valable pendant 60 jours.
Estimates are valid for 60 days
GST: 82617 5622 RT0001
QST: 1057731270
Estimate updated by todd.munro.
Estimate updated by todd.munro.
Estimate updated by todd.munro.
Estimate updated by todd.munro.
Estimate viewed by (todd.munro) for the first time.
Estimate updated by todd.munro.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Devis vue par pour la première fois.