Invoice updated by todd.munro.
System Updating and maintenance for
Maintenance and security updating to latest version of WordPress and plugin extensions.
Plus Monthly Website consulting, support and training plan.
For October 2024
System Updating and maintenance for
Maintenance and security updating to latest version of WordPress and plugin extensions.
Plus Monthly Website consulting, support and training plan.
For October 2024
Microsoft 365 Accounts
S’il vous plaît payer votre facture dans les 21 jours.
Je vous remercie de votre confiance!
Please pay your invoice within 21 days.
Thank you for your business!
GST: 82617 5622 RT0001
QST: 1057731270
Banking info:
Caisse populaire Desjardins de Brome-Missisquoi
90027 815 210190 5
Identification no. (caisse transit no.) 90027
Institution number 815
Account or folio no. (including zeros) 210190 5
Cheques can be made payable to Todd Munro and sent to this address:
54 McCurdy Road
West Brome, QC J0E 2P0
You may also send an Interact Bank Transfer to
Alternatively You can may select an online payment type below and enter your payment information to pay this invoice. . A receipt for your records will be sent to you. Thank you very much!(Credit Card Payment will take a minute to process please be patient, do not refresh the page)
Invoice updated by todd.munro.
Invoice updated by todd.munro.
Invoice updated by todd.munro.
Invoice updated by todd.munro.
Invoice updated by todd.munro.
Invoice updated by todd.munro.
Invoice updated by todd.munro.
Invoice updated by todd.munro.
Invoice updated by todd.munro.
Invoice updated by todd.munro.
Invoice updated by todd.munro.
Invoice viewed by for the first time.
Invoice viewed by for the first time.